This website

A pre-rendered site that's been rewritten to be as simple and easy to maintain, by me, as possible. There have been numerous iterations and redesigns. The first major version abstracted while the secord abbreviated.

/* License at the bottom */



function get_biography_html(string $language) {

  return get_typical_layout(
    function biography_array_to_en_gr($array) {
        global $EN, $GR; $EN($array->en); $GR($array->gr);
    $b = "biography_array_to_en_gr";
<?php $h = simplexml_load_file("bio-high-school.xml") ?>
<h2><?php $b($h->title) ?></h2>
    <?php $b($h->graduated) ?>
    <a href=""
    ><?php $b($h->high_school) ?></a>

You may find the first and second version on GitHub.

System's hotkey system

A system to provide a listing of key bindings and optional input box to key bindings, built around sxhkd, with 4 major versions:

Version 1: alchain

3 programs, alchain, alpopup and hk-tui.bash, working together so that when pressing the Windows key a terminal appears at the bottom of the screen, full width, displays possible key bindings and waits for key input. After pressing Windows, getting the terminal, and pressing another key in the terminal such as W, often nothing would have happened yet and the terminal would be showing next possible key presses.

read -n 1 -s -r
next=$( awk "/^$REPLY/ { print \$2 }" hk-states/$state )

if [ -z $next ]
    bspc node last --focus
part of hk-tui.bash (plain file)

The flaw was that windows are not designed to work well when treated like this. There were more than just bugs. Windows play a more decorative role than anticipated. Most of the code is lost today.

Version 2: alk

Shell scripts that take arguments corresponding to hotkeys, and perform the actions. The al executable displays the stdout and stderr in a terminal, if it was called from an environment without the INTERACTIVE variable set. The shell function definitions of the alk-* executables compile into the help message which acts like a listing of key bindings. While the code is weird, it's much closer to how I write shell scripts today. Note that it's POSIX compliant instead of Bash.

if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = '' ]
then set_interactive

execute_al() {
    alk-router "$@"
execute_al_interactive() {
    execute_al "$@"
part of al

Compared to the first approach, this one had very verbose configuration files. Also, it was never actually used in the terminal.

Version 3: alsnip

A code snippet generator, that can take multiple user inputs to complete parts of a snippet, and provides auto completion in the process. The snippets could be shell scripts that would run, and the completion could be started by pressing a key binding. Built in, the configuration expressed which snippets were shell scripts (to be ran), and of them, which were bound to keys, and which needed terminal interactions such as entering passwords. It was almost ready to be published, but it wasn't self-contained at all, plus I abandoned it before publishing it.

fn_powff() {
  case "$act" in
    script) printf 'sudo shutdown %s\n' "$1" ;;
    descr) cat <<EOM
systemd command,  poweroff  is an alias to  shutdown now
    arg1) printf "recommend\nnow\n+1\n+5\n+30\n23:59\n02:00\n" ;;
part of example-config/

I didn't ever use snippets, nor did I start using snippets then. So it still was a hotkey system only. It abused mr Robert C. Martin's insights too, making it one of the most complicated pieces of software I had made by then. I uploaded the project once I made this site, on GitHub.

Version 4: scmd

A single file.

volume_set_8() { pacmd set-sink-volume 0 48000; } #m8
volume_set_9() { pacmd set-sink-volume 0 54000; } #m9
volume_set_custom() { pacmd set-sink-volume 0 "$(:|dmenu)"; }

wallpaper_set_scale() { bspc_float; feh --bg-scale "$(find ~/l/gwp/ -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sxiv -ot)"; }
wallpaper_set_fill()  { bspc_float; feh --bg-fill  "$(find ~/l/gwp/ -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sxiv -ot)"; }

Every line is either blank, a comment, or an inline shell function definition.

scmd_run() { c="$(dmenu < "$(this_file)" | cut -d'(' -f1)"; test "$c" && scmd_with_bar_status "$c"; } #x
this_file() { echo ~/.config/; }

This is the product that I'm most proud of as of now, November 2023. Nobody can understand why I'm proud of a single file and if my past self saw it, he'd want to make it better by ruining it. It doesn't matter, nothing matters, I'm here to appreciate it as much as I deserve, and as much as my computer deserves, because this work is impossible for a person to do alone, this work is collaboration between a person and a computer giving feedback over what software makes it feel healthy and what software burdens it.

scmd_ls_keys() { sed -n 's/^\([a-z0-9_]\+\)(.*#\([^}]*\)$/\2 \1/p' "$(this_file)"; }
scmd_sxhkdrc_vim() { in_vim scmd_sxhkdrc; }
scmd_sxhkdrc() { scmd_ls_keys | awk "{ $(scmd_awk1) $(scmd_awk2) }"; }
scmd_awk1() { printf %s 's = $1; gsub(/./, "; super + &", s); sub("; ", "", s); '; }
scmd_awk2() { printf %s 'print(s); printf("\t. %s && scmd_with_bar_status %s\n\n", "'"$(this_file)"'", $2);'; }